
package dot

Enables to export Graph instances to the DOT language by means of user-defined edge and node transformers. Transformers may enrich the DOT structure with arbitrary DOT attributes and also establish subgraph relationships.

As a starting point, please refer to

See also the Graph for Scala DOT User Guide.

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dot
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AttrSeparator extends AnyRef

    Template to define any DOT graph attribute separator.

  2. type DotAST = Graph[DotCluster, DiEdge[DotCluster]]
  3. case class DotAttr(name: Id, value: Id) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents ID '=' ID of the DOT language grammar.

  4. case class DotAttrStmt(type: Type, attrList: Seq[DotAttr]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents ID '=' ID of the DOT language grammar.

  5. case class DotCluster(dotGraph: DotGraph, dotStmts: Set[DotStmt] = MutableSet()) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class DotEdgeStmt(node_1Id: NodeId, node_2Id: NodeId, attrList: Seq[DotAttr] = Seq()) extends DotStmt with Product with Serializable

    Represents edge_stmt of the DOT language grammar with the exception of subgraph which is covered by the return value of the user-supplied *Transformer functions passed to toDot..

  7. sealed trait DotGraph extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait DotId extends AnyRef

    Represents ID of the DOT language abstract grammar.

  9. case class DotNodeStmt(nodeId: NodeId, attrList: Seq[DotAttr] = Seq()) extends DotStmt with Product with Serializable

    Represents node_stmt of the DOT language grammar with the exception of subgraph which is covered by the return value of the user-supplied *Transformer functions passed to toDot..

  10. case class DotRootGraph(directed: Boolean, id: Option[Id], strict: Boolean = false, attrStmts: Seq[DotAttrStmt] = Nil, attrList: Seq[DotAttr] = Nil) extends DotGraph with Product with Serializable

    Represents graph of the DOT language grammar without embedded node_stmt, edge_stmt and subgraph.

  11. sealed trait DotStmt extends AnyRef

    Represents stmt of the DOT language grammar.

  12. case class DotSubGraph(ancestor: DotGraph, subgraphId: Id, attrStmts: Seq[DotAttrStmt] = Nil, attrList: Seq[DotAttr] = Nil) extends DotGraph with Product with Serializable

    Represents subgraph of the DOT language grammar without embedded node_stmt, edge_stmt and subgraph.

  13. type EdgeTransformer[N, E <: Edge[N]] = (immutable.Graph.GraphInnerEdge) => Option[(DotGraph, DotEdgeStmt)]
  14. trait Export[N, E <: Edge[N]] extends Any

    Contains methods to transform graph to the DOT language.

  15. implicit final class Graph2DotExport[N, E <: Edge[N]] extends AnyVal with Export[N, E]

    Enables to call <g>.toDot with <g> being a Graph instance.

  16. type HyperEdgeTransformer[N, E <: Edge[N]] = (immutable.Graph.GraphInnerEdge) => Iterable[(DotGraph, DotEdgeStmt)]
  17. class Id extends DotId

    Verified DOT ID.

  18. case class NodeId extends DotId with Product with Serializable

    Verified DOT node_id.

  19. type NodeTransformer[N, E <: Edge[N]] = (immutable.Graph.NodeT) => Option[(DotGraph, DotNodeStmt)]
  20. case class Spacing(indent: Indent = Tab, graphAttrSeparator: AttrSeparator = NewLine, elemAttrSeparator: AttrSeparator = SemicolonSpace) extends Product with Serializable


    unit of indentation to be used at the beginning of DOT graph lines. This unit is taken n times with n being the depths of the content represented on a given line. The depth increases with DOT subgraphs.


    the separator to be used for graph/subgraph level DOT graph language elements.


    the separator to be used for edge/node level DOT graph language elements.

Value Members

  1. def DotAST: Graph
  2. object AttrSeparator

    Holds predefined character sequences to separate specific DOT language elements.

  3. object DefaultSpacing extends Spacing with indent set to Tab, graphAttrSeparator set to NewLine and elemAttrSeparator set to SemicolonSpace.

  4. object Elem extends Enumeration

    Represents constants of attr_stmt of the DOT language.

  5. object Id
  6. object Indent extends Enumeration

    Predefined units of indentation.

  7. object NodeId extends Serializable
  8. object Record

    Types for record-based nodes as described on

  9. object implicits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
